Saturday, June 27, 2009

Telling and solving riddles...something to pass the time on a 15 hour bus ride.

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Welcome to Wisconsin!!!!!

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Lunch! Well...brunch.

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50 cents each _ _ _ _ _ . You'll have to ask us about this place.

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Marty (and coffee) on the way home

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Kevin on the way home

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Director and Mrs. Director on the way home

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Nick and Zach on the way home

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Kelly and Josh on the way home

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Caleb and David on the way home

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Abby and Marisa on the way home

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Isaac, Nathan, and Amber on the way home

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Valerie and Kristen on the way home

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Abi on the way home

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Zeb and Ruthie on the way home

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Landon and Katie on the way home

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It's 5:28 and we're just leaving Wall, SD

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It's 5:28a and we're just leaving Wall, SD

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